Sunday, December 14, 2008

Highlights from the 12-13-08 Medical Staff Meeting

The meeting opened a bit later, due to several medical members discussing certain... 'medical problems'. Yes, let's keep it at that. However, when we did begin, Dr. Juran announced that there were only a few things to be said.

* Dr. Juran asked every medical member to visit at least one of the balls. They're saturday 20th at 2 PM and 10 PM SLT, and sunday 21st at 9 AM SLT. Let's make sure we have a good medical deligation showing up, shall we?

* The good CMO also called forward Arno Menkez. Due to his extra-ordinary work within Medical, Mr. Menkez was promoted to Petty Officer 1st class. Congratulations, Arno!

* Doctor Weatherwax reported that he's working closely with Tactical in order to bring back the Medical experts: the ones who heal the injured participants of the Tactical events. There are some problems with the current version, but once Tactical updates to a new version, there will be more opportunities to use dermal regenerators and other medical gadgets to heal those unfortunate souls.

* Another fortunous event happened during this meeting: Ensign Kieran Braveheart was finally given his Medical diploma, and could, from now on, call himself a doctor. Congratulations, Doctor Braveheart!

* And finally, Doctor Bourne reported on the status of MERSI: There will most likely be a training every wednesday afternoon. People are encouraged to contact Doctor Bourne to give a time when they'd be able to train.

And that's it for this meeting. All that's left in saying now, is Thank You, for your dedication to the Medical subdivision!


Dave_B said...

Update on the project - I've got the main HUD script for fleet weapons now, (with many thanks to Jyrraw Wilder) and am working on documenting the API for objects other than weapons and incoming fire to interact with it. As it currently stands, the only way to heal a combatant at all is a properly scripted dermal regenerator. First priority therefore is to sculpt and script one. Once that's done I will propose to engineering and tactical that additional similar "hooks" are added to the HUD - for example a dose of an antirad drug giving the combatant a limited time where incoming fire causes less damage or a stimulant giving a temporary strong boost to health, at the expense of suffering "damage" when it wears off and they crash...

From an initial analysis of the main HUD script things like that shouldnt be any kind of challenge to code cleanly - its already running the necessary timer(s) and listeners to respond to that kind of event without adding lag or script latency.

Dave_B said...

Update #2...

Those of you on the MERSI team will already know this thanks to the object being delivered but for the rest of you:

Dr Bourne has passed out copies of the prototype dermal regenerator to the MERSI team for field testing. It's got lefthanded and righthanded arm/hand anims built in, (differing depending on whether you're treating your own injuries or somebody elses) Based on the limited testing we were able to do (Dr Bourne was kind enough to stop by my workshop and throw a few phaser rounds my way, after which I successfully healed my own burns with it) the item is functional with current fleet weapon HUDs

I am sure there will be glitches and/or bugs so do let me know if you find one.

Once the final version is passed to the fleet and begins to be issued by medical division, please get rid of any remaining prototypes in your inventory and use the released version. Any code or object updates will be based off that version not the prototype and thats the version that the fleet will receive full-perm archive copies of so that even after I retire from the fleet the equipment will remain available.