Monday, October 20, 2008

Highlights from 2008-10-18 Medical Staff Meeting

Here are the highlights from our Medical staff meeting this past Saturday, October 18th:

  • Dr. Angelis Bourne reported that Engineering is working on a shuttle for the MERSI project that they hope to have completed soon. Several members from Medical have volunteered for the project, as have some members from other divisions. If you are interested in the project, please contact Dr. Bourne.

  • We discussed clinic hours and the sign-up calendar emailed to each member as a Google doc. This list will be re-sent. Hours currently are Tuesday evenings from 7-10pm SLT and Sunday mornings 10-1pm SLT. During that time, please use the general GFC chat channel to announce that the clinic is staffed for recruit exams as well as medical rp's if anyone is so inclined. Please make the anouncement 2-4/hour depending on the level of activity. If you become too busy, please announce that medical rp's are being halted for the time and that only recruit exams will be conducted. Remember, our first priority is recruit exams! In addition, if you ever want to run impromptu clinic, that is also fine. Use the general GFC chat channel to announce just as you would during scheduled clinic.

  • Dr. Shyshy Mayako (Ens.) has written a new course to be added to the GFC Academy curriculum, "Legends of Starfleet Medicine," and is working on 2 pharmacology classes. Dr. Deej Kasshiki (LTjg) has completed a comprehensive physiology course and is working to break it into smaller teaching units to make the learning experience better for both students and instructors. All Medical staff personnel are encouraged to develop courses if they have an interest, and not just on a medical topic. The Academy is always looking to add new courses and new instructors. If you have any questions or would like to explore possible topics, please contact Dr. Juran or Dr. Akina.

A HUGE "THANK YOU!!!!" to Dr. Hermione Seesaw (Ens.) for designing and building our new conference table in the medical center. As you can see in both pictures from our meeting, it is both functional AND beautiful, with plenty of much-needed seating!

  • Hearty thanks also to the many Medical Division team members who showed up for the Recruiting Event (sponsored by the Activities sub-division) held from 1200-1600 SLT, prior to our staff meeting. It was an excellent time to get to know each other better and a good opportunity for team-building. As always, you showed your commitment to excellence and dedication!

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