Friday, September 26, 2008

Ideas for classes at GFC Academy

As you know, I have recently accepted the appointment of Dean of Health Sciences, succeeding Dr. Deej Kasshiki. We have two new courses in the final stages of development and hopefully both will be added to the GFC Academy curriculum. I would like to ask you for suggestions for potential new class topics, as well as changes you feel would make Medical 101 a better class. Please use this thread to reply or IM me. I'd like to see some discussion among our team on these topics, so please consider using this thread. Thank you in advance for your contributions.

Michiko Akina
Ensign/Asst CMO


Dave_B said...

Two ideas that would require joint development with the security division...

1: Emergency response. Course could cover working with security in an emergency situation - distinct from an active combat zone, this is mostly for on-campus RPs - interaction with the MERSI project etc.

2: Medical response in a combat situation. Covering the expectations of a medic in tactical situations - whether that be treating casualties under fire, responding to biological or chemical agents or even dealing with accidental injuries to away team members in a hostile environment. This could either be a tactical course modified to take account of the specialized role of a medic or a purely medical course with passing tactical 101 a prerequisite.

In either one of these two we'll be improving consistency of RP, improving our ability to work alongside another fleet division and helping to set their expectations of how a medic will respond in a given situation.

Anonymous said...

I agree with both excellent suggestions. Our MERSI project could be involved with both. I have also had a couple of people attend class who wanted to know more about emergency medicine if a battleship is attacked and how to treat injuries such as head, burns, and fractures.