Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Teh intarwebs hates me
This sucks.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Personal status update...
Dr Da5id Weatherwax
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Brief recap of the 2009-05-30 Staff Meeting
Our next biweekly Staff Meeting will be on Saturday, 2009-06-13 at 4:30pm SLT at the McCoy - Troi Medical Center. With the biannual GFC Ball taking place a couple of weeks after that, we will reschedule the 2009-06-27 meeting to another date.
Hope to see all at the meeting on the 13th and also at one of the Balls.
- Dr. Juran, CMO
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Highlights from 05-16-2009 Bi-Weekly Staff Meeting

- Welcomed LT snapper Desade, Ens Nogad Ay, and Crewman 2nd Class Echos Lockjaw to the medical team. LT Desade and Ens Ay are involved in medical technology research and will be working periodically with Dr. Weatherwax.
- We will be replacing the current Medical Handbook with an updated one this week. The new handbook will incorporate the new departments and roles. An announcement will be sent out when it is posted. Web address is
- For a short time, uniforms from the new Star Trek movie are permissible in GFC to celebrate the film's release.
- Regarding appropriate uniforms, First Contact - Nemesis, are Medical's (and GFC's) on-duty standard. In addition, we are one of the first groups that recruits come in contact with and if on-duty Medical staff are wearing a range of uniforms covering 200 years, it can be confusing. The same is true of accessories such as gold chains, blingy rings; those shouldn't be worn when on-duty. First Contact - Nemesis uniform sets (now with skirts for the ladies) are available for free on the first floor.
- If you are interested in learning to pilot a shuttle, please contact Dr. Kiernan Braveheart about AAC training.
- Dr. Pax Forwzy is working on a plan to increase opportunities for role play (rp) in Medical and within GFC. Stay tuned for further details.
Michiko Akina
Monday, May 18, 2009
Voicing Klingon

Hometown: Los Angeles
Current position: Director of live captioning, National Captioning Institute First job: Radio DJ Favorite job: This one
Education: B.A., University of California, Santa Cruz; Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
How I got to here in 10 words or less: I kept an open mind.
A. I taught linguistics at the University of California, Santa Barbara before taking a post doctoral fellowship at the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C., in 1978. I researched a couple of California Indian languages that haven't been spoken in a long time. The last native speaker had died long ago so relearning it was mostly based on documents.
A. A guy from the Smithsonian had actually spoken with the last remaining speaker of the language. He was a trained phonetician so he took very good notes. There were some Edison cylinders (used to create early recordings) of some songs in a related language.
A. I applied for a few academic jobs but none of them panned out. Shortly afterward, I met somebody at a party who worked at what was then the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. He worked with the deaf and suggested I work with closed captioning. Back then, it was a new technology.
A. It was language related and broadcasting, which is what I was doing before. It seemed like a fit. A few interviews later, they hired me as supervisor of captioning at the National Captioning Institute. This was back in 1979.
A. I was in charge of a number of television programs and movies. Once we got the videotape, I'd oversee transcribing the audio and changing the grammar and vocabulary. Eventually, I was in charge of captioning for live broadcasts. We used to use court reporter steno machines. We (now) use speech recognition and (work live).
A. We did the Oscars for the first time in 1982. Much of it is scripted and can be done beforehand, but we had to jump in with the court reporters right after the presenters said, "and the winner is…" In Los Angeles, I visited a friend who worked at Paramount. Her boss was the producer of the second Star Trek movie. They were planning on hiring a linguist from UCLA to create some lines of Vulcan for Leonard Nimoy and Kirstie Alley. There was a mix up and I ended up getting the job.
A. They had already shot the scene in English. Someone later decided it was better if they spoke Vulcan. I had to create gobbledygook that matched their lips so it could be dubbed in.
A. I got to work from scratch for the third film, which included creating grammar and vocabulary (for the Klingon language). I did base some sounds off the lines spoken in the first film. But I came up with some basic rules and stuck to them.
A. You can't help being influenced by what you know, which (for me) was a bit of Spanish, French and American Indian. I also knew Southeast Asian languages. I'd be writing something and suddenly realize that it sounded like Navajo. I'd stop and make sure the next thing sounded as different as it could possibly be. I expanded the language for the fifth and sixth film and wrote a book called The Klingon Dictionary in 1992.
A. I think it's great. I hear it's taught in some linguistics classes and I've seen chapters incorporated into linguistics textbooks. Of course, I have to give credit to James Doohan, the actor who played Scotty. He invented the first six lines from the first film.
Friday, May 15, 2009
New uniform set is available
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Favorite Links of the GFC Medical Staff

Staff Meeting this Saturday, May 16, at 4:30pm SLT
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Star Trek Movie Party A Big Success!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009
Medical Hosting Party to Celebrate New Star Trek Movie!

Since we are hosts and expecting visitors from throughout SL, please wear your duty uniforms, dress whites, or the free uniform being provided courtesy of Dr. Juran. She is hoping to have a second uniform available for the Medical staff and if so, we will send it to you. Remember that this is also an event to potentially draw in new Star Trek fans to GFC, so be prepared to pass along information about GFC if someone asks or seems interested.
Be sure to mark next Friday on your calendars and let's have a TERRIFIC turnout and lots of dancing and fun!! "Thank You's" in advance for "ignoring" your time zones to help this event be a great success!
Highlights from 05-02-2009 Bi-Weekly Staff Meeting

- The medical staff welcomed Kamida Lockjaw and AndromedaStJohn Aeon to their first bi-weekly staff meeting.
- Dr. Juran made a surprise announcement: Next Friday, May 8th, Medical will host a party and dance to celebrate the US premiere of the new Star Trek movie!!
- Dr. Bourne was delayed in his MERSI projects due to an unexpected LOA. He has returned and is investigating possible MERSI rp opportunities. Ms. Aeon mentioned a shuttle for sale at Galaxy Station that could possibly be used by Medical for a variety of purposes. If it can be group-piloted, this would open more rp possibilities for Medical within the Fleet. Dr. Bourne and Ms. Aeon will investigate further and report back.
- Dr. Juran and Dr. Akina discussed our Medical Division blog, MTMC News, with the group and encouraged the staff to request posting permissions (via Dr. Akina) so they can contribute original articles, information or relevant links. Posts would not be expected on a regular basis unless the author would like to do so. They should be topic-driven and relevant to our Medical team. The “Suggestion Box” on the blog is reserved for opinions, suggestions, constructive criticism, and the like. Staff members were reminded that Drs. Juran and Akina are always happy to talk privately with any team member about problems, concerns, and so on.
- We have a new backup surgical suite that Engineering made for us, and we will be installing it in the large room on the First Floor in the Medical Center. This is another opportunity for increased rp experiences once it is up and "operational."
- Current medical courses were very briefly discussed. Dr. Mayako has developed a third course about medications. If anyone has suggestions or would like to develop a new medical course, please speak with Dr. Akina, who is also Dean of Health Sciences at the Academy.
- Dr. Braveheart announced that he will soon have a library exhibition, “My SL Life in Pictures,” and will let us know the date when he confirms with Ens. Sadriel Gibbs at the GFC Library. Anyone interested in holding an exhibit should contact Ens. Gibbs; he will be glad to work with you.
Our next meeting will be May 16th, at 4:30pm SLT.
Michiko Akina
LT(jg)/Asst. Chief of Medicine
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Staff Meeting this Saturday, May 2, at 4:30pm SLT
Friday, April 24, 2009
Highlights from 04-18-2009 Bi-Weekly Staff Meeting

- Dr. Weatherwax is working with CPO Sachertorte from Engineering to create new equipment and rezzable rooms. As always, prim counts are at a premium and even more so with scripted items, so Dr. Weatherwax and Dr. Juran will work with Engineering to set prim parameter guidelines and utilize sculpties when possible.
- Dr. Weatherwax reported that he is developing an "interactino standard" for the devices used in Medical. For instance, as of now, the tricorders do not give the same information on the patient as the biobed biosigns; or, you may inject a crewman with your hypospray but the results do not show up in the fleet weapons HUD. An interactino standard can make the different devices interact in a meaningful way to inworld rp's. This would open up many more rp options beginning with Medical, but eventually spreading throughout GFC. This will take a great deal of time (not to mention know-how and dedication), but Dr. Weatherwax does believe it is possible to "Make It So!"
- Dr. Bourne reported on progress from Engineering with the MERSI rp collapsing building set. He is also exploring opportunities to rp with other GFC divisions.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
GFC Medical Staff Meeting this Saturday, April 18th
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Medical Document Updates
Just a quick post that our Medical Handbook ( ) is in the process of being revised, to incorporate the updated structure in the division. The restructure information is currently available at, but once the new version 4.0 of the Medical Handbook is completed, we will remove that.
Please keep up the great energy and contributions... you folks make GFC Medical the best team in the Fleet :-)
- Dr. Juran
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Highlights from 04-04-2009 Bi-Weekly Staff Meeting

New department appointments announced by Dr. Journey Juran, CMO:
- Dr. Da5id Weatherwax was named Director of Medical Technology.
- Chief w0mbaT Braveheart was named Supervisor at GFC Medical, making him second lead after Dr. Akina (ACMO).
Congratulations to both!
Briefly discussed Dr. Pax Forwzy's MEAP (Medical Activities Enhancement Program) ideas. This would enhance social and Trek-themed activities within GFC and hopefully bring in new recruits.
The new tricorder is nearing final stages and soon to be released as an addition to our medkits. Thank you's to Dr. Juran and Dr. Weatherwax.
Next meeting: April 18, 2009, 4:30pm SLT
Michiko Akina
Back in the, Fleet, again

Any division leads within the department who want posting privileges, please let me know your gmail address, and we'll give you posting access. If you don't have a gmail address, you'll need to get one, as we use Google Blogger for our blog.
If you are in charge of any special projects and would like to post, we can also give you posting privileges.
Two reminders to everyone:
- You may read or comment without being registered; if you are unable to do so, let me know and we can make any necessary technical changes.
- All comments, suggestions, and constructive criticism are welcome, but let's remember to use the [paraphrased] Golden Rule - Treat others as you would like to be treated.
Lastly, on a personal note, I'd like to give a loud, heart-felt THANK YOU for the warmth and support that all of you have given me since my return. I can't begin to put into words how much it has meant.