* Dr. Juran asked every medical member to visit at least one of the balls. They're saturday 20th at 2 PM and 10 PM SLT, and sunday 21st at 9 AM SLT. Let's make sure we have a good medical deligation showing up, shall we?

* Doctor Weatherwax reported that he's working closely with Tactical in order to bring back the Medical experts: the ones who heal the injured participants of the Tactical events. There are some problems with the current version, but once Tactical updates to a new version, there will be more opportunities to use dermal regenerators and other medical gadgets to heal those unfortunate souls.

* And finally, Doctor Bourne reported on the status of MERSI: There will most likely be a training every wednesday afternoon. People are encouraged to contact Doctor Bourne to give a time when they'd be able to train.
And that's it for this meeting. All that's left in saying now, is Thank You, for your dedication to the Medical subdivision!